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Authors: Arto Hellas, Matti Luukkainen
Translators to English: Emilia Hjelm, Alex H. Virtanen, Matti Luukkainen, Virpi Sumu, Birunthan Mohanathas, Etiënne Goossens
Extra material added by: Etiënne Goossens, Maurice Snoeren, Johan Talboom
The course is maintained by Technische Informatica Breda
Exercise assignments-6-1: PhoneBook
In this assignment we are implementing a simple phone book.
Exercise assignments-6-1.1: Person
Start by programing the class
which works as follows:public static void main(String[] args) { Person pekka = new Person("Pekka Mikkola", "040-123123"); System.out.println(pekka.getName()); System.out.println(pekka.getNumber()); System.out.println(pekka); pekka.changeNumber("050-333444"); System.out.println(pekka); }
The output is:
Pekka Mikkola 040-123123 Pekka Mikkola number: 040-123123 Pekka Mikkola number: 050-333444
So you have to implement the following class:
- the method
public String toString()
, which returns the string representation formulated as the above example shows- constructor that sets the person name and phone number
public String getName()
, that returns the namepublic String getNumber()
, that returns the phone number- the method
public void changeNumber(String newNumber)
, that can be used to change the phone number of the personExercise assignments-6-1.2: Adding persons to Phonebook
Program the class
that stores Person-objects using an ArrayList. At this stage you’ll need the following methods:
public void add(String name, String number)
creates a Person-object and adds it to the ArrayList inside the Phonebookpublic void printAll()
, prints all the persons inside the PhonebookWith the code:
public static void main(String[] args) { Phonebook phonebook = new Phonebook(); phonebook.add("Pekka Mikkola", "040-123123"); phonebook.add("Edsger Dijkstra", "045-456123"); phonebook.add("Donald Knuth", "050-222333"); phonebook.printAll(); }
the output should be:
Pekka Mikkola number: 040-123123 Edsger Dijkstra number: 045-456123 Donald Knuth number: 050-222333
Exercise assignments-6-1.3: Searching for numbers from the phonebooks
Extend the class
with the methodpublic String searchNumber(String name)
, that returns the phone number corresponding to the given name. If the sought person is not known the string “number not known” is returned.Example code:
public static void main(String[] args) { Phonebook phonebook = new Phonebook(); phonebook.add("Pekka Mikkola", "040-123123"); phonebook.add("Edsger Dijkstra", "045-456123"); phonebook.add("Donald Knuth", "050-222333"); String number = phonebook.searchNumber("Pekka Mikkola"); System.out.println( number ); number = phonebook.searchNumber("Martti Tienari"); System.out.println( number ); }
040-123123 number not known
Exercise assignments-6-2: Money
In a previous assignment we stored the balance of a LyyraCard using a double variable. In reality money should not be represented as a double since the double arithmetics is not accurate. A better idea would be to implement a class that represents money. We’ll start with the following class skeleton:
public class Money { private final int euros; private final int cents; public Money(int euros, int cents) { if (cents > 99) { euros += cents / 100; cents %= 100; } this.euros = euros; this.cents = cents; } public int euros(){ return euros; } public int cents(){ return cents; } public String toString() { String zero = ""; if (cents <= 10) { zero = "0"; } return euros + "." + zero + cents + "e"; } }
Notice that the instance variables
have been defined as final meaning that once the variables have been set, the value of those can not be changed. An object value of which can not be changed is said to be immutable. If we need to e.g. calculate the sum of two money objects, we need to create a new money object that represents the sum of the originals.In the following we’ll create three methods that are needed in operating with money.
Exercise assignments-6-2.1: Plus
Let us start by implementing the method
public Money plus(Money added)
, that returns a new objectMoney
that has a value equal to the sum of the object for which the method was called and the object given as parameter.Examples of the method usage:
Money a = new Money(10,0); Money b = new Money(5,0); Money c =; System.out.println(a); // 10.00e System.out.println(b); // 5.00e System.out.println(c); // 15.00e a =; // NOTE: new Money-object is created and reference to that // is assigned to variable a. // The Money object 10.00e that variable a used to hold // is not referenced anymore System.out.println(a); // 25.00e System.out.println(b); // 5.00e System.out.println(c); // 15.00e
Exercise assignments-6-2.2: less
Create the method
public boolean less(Money compared)
, that returns true if the object for which the method was called is less valuable than the object given as parameter.Money a = new Money(10,0); Money b = new Money(3,0); Money c = new Money(5,0); System.out.println(a.less(b)); // false System.out.println(b.less(c)); // true
Exercise assignments-6-2.3: Minus
And finally create the method
public Money minus(Money decremented)
, that returns a new objectMoney
that has a value equal to the object for which the method was called minus the object given as parameter. If the value would be negative, the resulting Money object should have the value 0.Examples of the method usage:
Money a = new Money(10,0); Money b = new Money(3,50); Money c = a.minus(b); System.out.println(a); // 10.00e System.out.println(b); // 3.50e System.out.println(c); // 6.50e c = c.minus(a); // NOTE: new Money-object is created and reference to that is assigned to variable c // the Money object 6.50e that variable c used to hold, is not referenced anymore System.out.println(a); // 10.00e System.out.println(b); // 3.50e System.out.println(c); // 0.00e
Exercise assignments-6-3: Grade distribution
This assignment corresponds to three assignment points.
Note: Your program should use only one Scanner object, i.e., it is allowed to call new Scanner only once. If you need scanner in multiple places, you can pass it as parameter:
public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; // ... doSomething(scanner); } public static void doSomething(Scanner scanner) { String riw = scanner.nextLine(); // ... }
If another object needs a scanner, you can pass it as constructor parameter and save in instance variable.
Note: Do not save anything in static variables. The main method is executed by the tests multiple times so the use of static variables might cause problems.
The input of the program is a set of exam scores of a course. Each score is an integer. When -1 is entered, the program stops asking for further input.
Inputting the exam scores should work as follows:
Type exam scores, -1 completes: ~~34 41 53 36 55 27 43 40 -1~~
After the scores have been read, the program prints the grade distribution and acceptance percentage of the course in the following form:
Grade distribution: 5: ** 4: 3: *** 2: * 1: * 0: * Acceptance percentage: 87.5
Grade distribution is formed as follows:
- Each exam score is mapped to a grade using the same formula as in exercise
from week 1. If the score is not within the range 0-60 it is not taken into account.- The number of grades are printed as stars, e.g. if there are 2 scores that correspond to grade 5, the line 5: ** is printed. If there are no scores that correspond to a particular grade, as is the case with grade 4 in the above example, the printed line is 4:
All the grades besides zeros are accepted, so in the above 7 out of 8 participants were accepted. Acceptance percentage is calculated with the formula
.Exercise assignments-6-4: Birdwatchers database
Note: Your program should use only one Scanner object, i.e., it is allowed to call new Scanner only once.
Note: Do not save anything in static variables. The main method is executed by the tests multiple times so the use of static variables might cause problems.
This assignment corresponds to three assignment points.
In this assignment you are supposed to design and implement an observation database for a bird watcher. The database contains birds, each of which have a name and a Latin name, both Strings. Database also tracks how many times each bird has been observed.
The program should implement the following commands:
- adds a birdObservation
- adds an observationStatistics
- prints all the birdsShow
- prints one birdQuit
- terminates the programThe program should also handle the invalid inputs (see
below).The following is an example how the program is supposed to work:
? ~~Add~~ Name: ~~Raven~~ Latin Name: ~~Corvus Corvus~~ ? ~~Add~~ Name: ~~Seagull~~ Latin Name: ~~Dorkus Dorkus~~ ? ~~Observation~~ What was observed:? ~~Seagull~~ ? ~~Observation~~ What was observed:? ~~Turing~~ Is not a bird! ? ~~Observation~~ What was observed:? ~~Seagull~~ ? ~~Statistics~~ Seagull (Dorkus Dorkus): 2 observations Raven (Corvus Corvus): 0 observations ? ~~Show~~ What? ~~Seagull~~ Seagull (Dorkus Dorkus): 2 observations ? ~~Quit~~
Note you may structure your program freely, it is only required that the output of the program is as in the above example.