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Authors: Arto Hellas, Matti Luukkainen
Translators to English: Emilia Hjelm, Alex H. Virtanen, Matti Luukkainen, Virpi Sumu, Birunthan Mohanathas, Etiënne Goossens
Extra material added by: Etiënne Goossens, Maurice Snoeren, Johan Talboom
The course is maintained by Technische Informatica Breda
So far we’ve been calculating with numbers using the +
, -
, /
, %
and *
operators. These operations match with the normal math that we’re used to. For computer programming however, there are also some other operations that operate on a bit level.
Internally, all numbers in the computer are represented using a binary format. So for instance the code
int months = 12;
will store the number 12 in the memory of the computer. It is not stored as 12
, but more as 1100
. When it is printed out with System.out.println
however, it is converted back to the decimal format, for human viewing. An explaination on the binary system is beyond the scope of this course, but the concept can be found on wikipedia or other sources. In java, by default, numbers are written in base 10. In the example above, 12
is the number 12 in base 10. Java supports other based numbers, by adding a prefix to the number.
int decimalMonths = 12; //base 10
int binaryMonths = 0b1100; //base 2, binary
int octalMonths = 014; //base 8, octal
int hexMonths = 0xC; //base 16, hexadecimal
these variables will all contain the number 12. In order to view the binary representation of a number, we can use the helper method Integer.toBinaryString()
These bits have an order. There are 2 ways of storing these bits in memory. The bit representing 1
is the Least Significant Bit, and the bit representing the largest value (128 in an 8-bit number for instance) is the Most Significant Bit. These way these values are stored in memory is called the Endianness, and is not the same on all computersystems. Java uses Big Endian, meaning the bit on the end is the most significant bit. This is only important on the way memory is stored, and won’t affect us as a programmer.
Besides writing down numbers in different number systems, there are also a number of interesting operations we can do on these numbers
The bitwise And operator in java is written using the &
operator. A bitwise And will combine the bits of 2 numbers with the And operator. An example
int firstNumber = 0b1010;
int secondNumber = 0b1100;
int result = firstNumber & secondNumber;
As we can observe, the only bits set to 1 in the result are the ones where the bit is set to 1 both in the firstNumber
and the secondNumber
. This can be combined in this small table
first | second | result |
0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
The bitwise Or operator in java is written using the |
operator. A bitwise And will combine the bits of 2 numbers with the Or operator. An example
int firstNumber = 0b1010;
int secondNumber = 0b1100;
int result = firstNumber | secondNumber;
As we can observe, the bits set to 1 in the result are the ones where the bit is set to 1 either one of the firstNumber
and the secondNumber
. This can be combined in this small table
first | second | result |
0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
The bitwise Xor operator, or Exclusive Or, in java is written using the ^
operator. A bitwise Xor will combine the bits of 2 numbers with the Xor operator. An example
int firstNumber = 0b1010;
int secondNumber = 0b1100;
int result = firstNumber ^ secondNumber;
As we can observe, the bits set to 1 in the result are the ones where only one bit is set to 1 either one of the firstNumber
and the secondNumber
. This can be combined in this small table
first | second | result |
0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 0 |
So far we’ve only worked with positive numbers, but how do we store negative numbers? A first thought would be to reserve a single bit for the sign. If the on the most left is 1, it is a negative number, if it is a 0, it is a positive number. So for an 8bit number, we could do
byte a = 0b00000001; // 1
byte b = 0b10000001; // -1
byte c = 0b00000000; // 0
byte d = 0b10000000; // -0?????
This leads to some problems though. For one, there is the problem of a double representation for 0. It also represents some challenges for computers to compute. Two’s complement is another system that was suggested back in 1945. In two’s complement, there is only one representation of 0 (0b00000000
) and it has some other additional advantages.
In Two’s complement, the most significant bit is used to indicate a negative number, and all other bits are flipped (the complement), with one added. This can be seen in the following table, for 3-bit numbers. 3 bits range from -4 to 3.
Decimal | Binary |
0 | 000 |
1 | 001 |
2 | 010 |
3 | 011 |
-4 | 100 |
-3 | 101 |
-2 | 110 |
-1 | 111 |
As seen in the table, for positive numbers, there’s nothing special. For negative number, the MSB is set to 1, and the number is represented as the flipped bits, plus 1. For instance for -4
, the bits are set to 00
. flipped around this is 11
or 3, and then with 1 added, makes 4. Expanding this to the 8-bit range, we can make the following table
Decimal | Binary |
0 | 0000 0000 |
1 | 0000 0001 |
2 | 0000 0010 |
126 | 0111 1110 |
127 | 0111 1111 |
−128 | 1000 0000 |
−127 | 1000 0001 |
−126 | 1000 0010 |
−2 | 1111 1110 |
−1 | 1111 1111 |
Compared to other systems for representing signed numbers, two’s-complement has the advantage that the fundamental arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication are identical to those for unsigned binary numbers, making it easier and faster to implement
Another operator often used for bit operations is bit shifting. Bit shifting is moving all the bits and shifting them a number of bits to the left or right. Bit shifting is done by the <<
or >>
operators. The <<
operator shifts all bits left, and the >>
shifts all bits right.
int a = 0b00000001 << 5; // a = 0b00100000
int b = 0b10000000 >> 7; // b = 0b00000001
while(a != 0) {
a = a >> 1; // will keep shifting the bits in a to the right
When shifting bits, the ‘new’ bits inserted are always 0. In result, shifting 1 to the right has the effect of dividing by 2, while shifting 1 to the left has the effect of multiplying by 2 (or even better, \(x >> n = x / 2^n\) and \(x << n = x * 2^n\)).
The bitshift operators will ignore the sign-bit, resulting in the same behaviour for negative numbers. There is also a third bitshift operator in java, the unsigned right shift >>>
operator, which will shift including the signbit
int a = -1 >> 1; // -1 will shift to -2
int b = -1 >>> 1; // -1 will shift to 2147483647
The not operator flips all bits in a number, including the sign bit.
int a = ~1; //~1 = -2
int b = ~0; //~0 = -1
An integer is made up of 32 bits, which can all be individually set. This can be used to store multiple true/false values. In a single int, we can store 32 booleans, which is a lot smaller to communicate (smaller filesize, less network data usage). To access these booleans, we can make a method to test if a bit is set, and a method to set or unset a bit
public static boolean isBitSet(int number, int bit) {
return ((number >> bit) & 1) != 0;
This method will bitshift the number to the right, so the bit we’re interested in, is in the most-right position. After this all other bits are ‘removed’ by doing an and operation on the last bit. Another way to implement this would be to change the and mask with the right bit set. This can be done with the following code
public static boolean isBitSet(int number, int bit) {
return (number & (1 << bit)) != 0;
These two methods are doing the same thing (though work differently)
To set a bit, we can combine the right bitmask with an or operation, and to unset a bit, we can use an and operation with a mask with most values set to 1
public static int setBit(int number, int bit) {
return number | (1<<bit);
public static int clearBit(int number, int bit) {
return number & ~(1<<bit);
This is a function often used in programming, where a large number of related booleans have to be passed to a method as parameter.
int HALIGN_LEFT = 1<<0;
int HALIGN_CENTER = 1<<1;
int HALIGN_RIGHT = 1<<2;
int VALIGN_TOP = 1<<3;
int VALIGN_CENTER = 1<<4;
int VALIGN_BOTTOM = 1<<5;
public static void printText(String text, int alignment) {
if(alignment & HALIGN_LEFT != 0) {
// ...
printText("Hello World", HALIGN_CENTER | VALIGN_BOTTOM);
An integer is 32bit in size. This means we can store a single number in it, with 4 294 967 296 different options. In some low-level applications, it’s only possible to send a single parameter, where we want to send more than 1 parameter. In this case, we can encode 2 numbers into a single number. We can do this in the decimal system as well. Suppose we can only send a 6-digit number, but we want to send 2 smaller numbers. We could just stick these 2 numbers together. The number 123456
would mean 123
and 456
, and 001002
would mean 1
and 2
. We can use some modulo arithmatic to seperate these numbers (int number1 = number % 1000; int number2 = number / 1000
This principle also works with binary numbers. Suppose we’d like to encode 2 8-bit numbers into a single 16-bit number. It’s easy to just stick them together
int a = 0b10101010;
int b = 0b01010101;
int combined = a<<8 | b<<0; // combined is 0b1010101001010101
By bitshifting the first number left, and combining both numbers with the Or
operator, the numbers become one long number. This is of course limited to the size of the variable. Bitshifting is also used to read out these numbers again
Exercise bit-operations-1. Counting bits
Write a program to count the number of bits set to 0 and the number of bits set to 1 in the number inputted
Expected output:
Enter the number: ~~429~~ There are 26 bits set to 0 There are 6 bits set to 1
Exercise bit-operations-2. Bit flipping
Write a program that ‘flips’ the bits in a number from left to right, for 32bit numbers.
A binary number 01010000 would be flipped to 00001010, in an 8bit number
Expected output:
Enter a number: ~~123~~ The flipped value is -570425344