Object-Oriented Programming with Java, part I + II


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Authors: Arto Hellas, Matti Luukkainen
Translators to English: Emilia Hjelm, Alex H. Virtanen, Matti Luukkainen, Virpi Sumu, Birunthan Mohanathas, Etiënne Goossens
Extra material added by: Etiënne Goossens, Maurice Snoeren, Johan Talboom

The course is maintained by Technische Informatica Breda

Object-oriented programming

Before we begin, here is a small introduction to object-oriented programming.

In procedural programming - which is the way of programming we have been studying so far - a program is divided in to smaller parts, methods. A method works as a separate part of a program and it can be called from anywhere in the program. When a method is called, execution of the program moves to the beginning of the called method. After the execution of the method is done, the program will continue from where the method was called.

In object oriented programming, just like in procedural programming, we attempt to divide a program into smaller parts. In object-oriented programming the small parts are objects. Each separate object has its own individual responsibility; an object contains a related group of information and functionality. Object-oriented programs consist of multiple objects which together define how the program works.


We have already used many of the ready-made objects in Java. For example, ArrayLists are objects. Each separate list consists of information related to it; that is, the state of the object. Functionality is also contained in the ArrayList objects: the methods by which the state of the object can be altered. As an example, there are two ArrayList objects in the following piece of code, cities and countries :

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ArrayList<String> cities = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<String> countries = new ArrayList<String>();



    System.out.println("number of countries " + countries.size() );
    System.out.println("number of cities " + cities.size() );

Both the countries object and the cities object live a life of their own. The state of each is not related to the state of the other. For example, the state of the countries object consists of the Strings “Finland”, “Germany” and “Netherlands” that are in the list, probably also the information of how many countries are in the list.

When doing a method call related to an object (for example, countries.add("Finland");), the name of the object whose method is being called goes to the left side of the period sign (dot), and to the right side goes the name of the method itself. When asking how many Strings the countries list contains, we call countries.size(). We are calling the method size of the object countries. What the method returns depends on the state of the object in question, other objects do not affect the execution of the method in any way.

We have used the command new many times already. For example, creation of a list (ArrayList) and creation of a reader (Scanner) have been done using the command new. The reason is that both of these are classes from which the object is created. In Java, objects are always created with new, except in a few cases.

One of the cases where you do not always need to use new is in the construction of Strings. The familiar way to create a String is actually an abbreviated way of using new. A String can also be created with new just like any other object:

String text = "some text";       // abbreviated way of creating a String
String anotherText = new String("more text");

Cases in which ready-made parts of Java call new out of sight of the programmer also exist.


It is clear that all objects are not similar to one another. For example, ArrayList objects differ drastically from String objects. All ArrayLists have the same methods add, contains, remove, size, … and respectively all String objects have the same methods (substring, length, charAt, …). Arraylist and String objects do not have the same methods because they are different types of objects.

The type of a certain group of objects is called a class. ArrayList is a class, as are String, Scanner, and so forth. Objects, on the other hand, are instances of classes.

Objects of the same class all have the same methods and a similar state. For example, the state of an ArrayList object consists of elements inserted to the list while the state of a String object consists of a string of characters.

A class and its objects

A class defines what kind of objects it has:

A class describes the “blueprint” of the objects that are made out of it (are instances of it).

Lets take an analogy from the world outside of computers: the blueprints of a house. The blueprints define how the building is to be built and in that way dictate the shape and size of it. The blueprints are the class, they define the general characteristics of the objects created out of that class:


Individual objects, the houses in our analogy, are made from that same blueprint. They are instances of the same class. The state of individual objects, the attributes, can vary (color of walls, building material of the roof, doors, windowsills, etc…). Here is one instance of a House object:


An object is always created from its class by calling the method - the constructor - that creates the object with the command new. For example, a new instance is created from the class Scanner by calling new Scanner(..):

Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
Constructors take parameters the way any other method does.

Exercise oop-1: Accounts

You are handed a ready-made class Account along with your exercise files. The object of the class Account represents a bank account that has a balance (meaning some amount of money). The accounts are used as follows:

Account bartosAccount = new Account("Barto's account",100.00);
Account bartosSwissAccount = new Account("Barto's account in Switzerland",1000000.00);

System.out.println("Initial state");

System.out.println("Barto's account balance is now: "+bartosAccount.balance());
System.out.println("Barto's Swiss account balance is now: "+bartosSwissAccount.balance());

System.out.println("Final state");

Exercise oop-1.1: Your first account

Note: there is a different exercise template for each of the sub-exercises. For this exercise use the TMC-exercise oop-1.1

Create a program that creates an account with the balance of 100.0, deposits 20.0 and prints the account. Note! do all the steps described in the exercise exactly in the described order!

Exercise oop-1.2: Your first money transfer

Notw: there is a different exercise template for each of the sub-exercises. For this exercise use the TMC-exercise oop-1.2

Create a program that:

  • Creates an account named “Matt's account” with the balance of 1000
  • Creates an account named “My account” with the balance of 0
  • Withdraws 100.0 from Matt's account
  • Deposits 100.0 to My account
  • Prints both accounts

Exercise oop-1.3: Money transfers

Note: there is a different exercise template for each of the sub-exercises. For this exercise use the TMC-exercise oop-1.3

In the above program, you made a money transfer from one person to another. Let us next create a method that does the same!

Create the method public static void transfer(Account from, Account to, double howMuch) in the given program body. The method transfers money from one account to another. You do not need to check that the from account has enough balance.

After completing the above, make sure that your main method does the following:

  • Creates an account “A” with the balance of 100.0
  • Creates an account “B” with the balance of 0.0
  • Creates an account “C” with the balance of 0.0
  • Transfers 50.0 from account A to account B
  • Transfers 25.0 from account B to account C

Defining your own class - object variables

A class is defined to serve some meaningful whole. Often a “meaningful whole” represents something from the real world. If a computer program needs to handle personal data it could be sensible to define a separate class Person which then holds methods and attributes related to an individual.

Let us go ahead and assume that we have a project frame with an empty main program:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {


We will create a new class in our project. In IntelliJ, this can be done in projects on the left, from the right click menu select new, java class. We will name the class in the dialog that pops up.

Just as with variables and methods, the name of the class should always be as descriptive as possible. Sometimes as a project progresses a class might transform into something different in order meet the programmer’s needs. In situations like this, it is possible to rename your class with ease.

Let us create a class named Person. The class will exist in its own Person.java file. Since the main program is in its own file the program now consists of two files in total. At first the class will be empty:

public class Person {


The class has to define what methods and attributes the objects created from the class will have. Let us decide that each person has a name and an age. It feels natural to represent the name as a String and the age as an integer. Let us add this to our schematics:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;

Above, we defined that all instances created from the Person class have a name and an age. Defining attributes is done in a quite similar fashion as with normal variables. In this case though, there is the keyword private in front. This keyword means that name and age will not show outside of the object, but are instead hidden within it. Hiding things within an object is called encapsulation.

Variables defined within a class are called object attributes, object fields or object variables. A beloved child has many names.

So, we have defined the schematics – the class – for the person object. All person objects have the variables name and age. The ‘state’ of the objects is determined by the values that have been set to its variables.

Defining your own class - constructor, or “formatting the state”

When an object is created its starting state is defined at the same time. Self-defined objects are created for the most part in the same way as ready-made objects (ArrayList objects for example) are created. Objects are created with the new command. When creating an object it would be handy to be able to set the values of some of the variables of that object.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person bob = new Person("Bob");
        // ...

This can be achieved by defining the method that creates the object, the constructor. The constructor for the Person class that creates a new Person object has been defined in the following example. In the constructor, the person that is being created gets 0 as her age and her name is received from the parameter of the constructor.

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;

    public Person(String initialName) {
        this.age = 0;
        this.name = initialName;

The constructor always has the same name as the class. In the code above, the class is Person and the constructor is public Person(String initialName). The value the constructor receives as a parameter is in parentheses after the name of the constructor. You can imagine the constructor as a method that Java runs when an object is created with the command new Person("Bob"); Whenever an object is created from a class, the constructor of that class is called.

A few notes: within the constructor there is a command this.age = 0. Through it, we set a value for this particular object; we define the internal variable age of “this” object. Another command we use is this.name = initialName;. Again, we give the internal variable called name the String that is defined in the constructor. The variables age and name are automatically visible in the constructor and elsewhere in the object. They are referred to with the this prefix. Due to the private modifier, the variables cannot be seen from outside the object.

One more thing: if the programmer does not create a constructor for her class, Java will automatically create a default constructor for it. A default constructor is a constructor that does nothing. So, if you for some reason do not need a constructor you do not need to write one.

Class definition - methods

We already know how to create and initialize objects. However, objects are useless if they cannot do anything. Therefore, objects should have methods. Let us add to the Person class a method that prints the object on the screen:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;

    public Person(String nameAtStart) {
        this.age = 0;
        this.name = nameAtStart;

    public void printPerson() {
        System.out.println(this.name + ", age " + this.age + " years");

As seen above, the method is written within the class. The method name is prefixed with public void since it is assumed that users of the object should be capable of using the method and the method should not return anything. With objects the keyword static is not used in method definitions. Next week, we will clarify the reason behind that.

Inside the method printPerson, there is a single line of code that uses the object variables name and age. The prefix this is used to emphasize that we are referring to the name and age of this object. All the object variables are visible from all the methods of the object.

Let us create three persons and ask them to print themselves:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person pekka = new Person("Pekka");
        Person brian = new Person("Brian");
        Person martin = new Person("Martin");


The output is:

Pekka, age 0 years
Brian, age 0 years
Martin, age 0 years

Exercise oop-2: Product

Create a class Product that represents a product sold in a webshop. A product has a price, amount and name.

A new class can be created as follows: Point at the src folder in the oop-2 project in the projects tab and click the right mouse button. Then select new and java class. When a dialog opens, give the class the name Product.

The class should have:

  • A constructor public Product(String nameAtStart, double priceAtStart, int amountAtStart)
  • A method public void printProduct() that prints a product in the following form:
    Banana, price 1.1, amount 13

More methods

Let us create a method that can be used to increase the age of a person by one:

public class Person {
    // ...

    public void becomeOlder() {
        this.age++;;    // same as this.age = this.age + 1;

As expected, the method is written inside the class Person. The method increases the value of object variable age by one.

Let us call the method and see what happens:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person pekka = new Person("Pekka");
        Person andrew = new Person("Andrew");






Pekka, age 0 years
Andrew, age 0 years

Pekka, age 2 years
Andrew, age 0 years

When born, both objects have age 0 due to the line this.age = 0; in the constructor. The method becomeOlder of object pekka is called twice. As the output shows, this causes the age of pekka to increase by two. It should be noted that when the method becomeOlder is called in the object pekka, the other object andrew is not touched at all and he remains at age 0. The state of an object is independent of the other objects!

Also, the object methods can return a value to the caller of the method. Let us define a method that can be used to ask for the age of a person:

public class Person {
    // ...

    public int getAge() {
        return this.age;

Now the void in the method definition is replaced with int since the value the method returns has the type integer. The following example demonstrates, how the value returned by a method can be used:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person pekka = new Person("Pekka");
        Person andrew = new Person("Andrew");



        System.out.println( "Age of Pekka: "+pekka.getAge() );
        System.out.println( "Age of Andrew: "+andrew.getAge() );

        int total = pekka.getAge() + andrew.getAge();

        System.out.println( "Pekka and Andrew total of "+total+ " years old" );


Age of Pekka: 2
Age of Andrew: 1

Pekka and Andrew total of 3 years old

Exercise oop-3: Multiplier

Implement the class Multiplier that has:

  • a constructor public Multiplier(int number)
  • a method public int multiply(int otherNumber) that returns otherNumber multiplied by number (i.e., the constructor parameter).

Example of usage:

Multiplier threeMultiplier = new Multiplier(3);
System.out.println("threeMultiplier.multiply(2): " + threeMultiplier.multiply(2));

Multiplier fourMultiplier = new Multiplier(4);
System.out.println("fourMultiplier.multiply(2): " + fourMultiplier.multiply(2));

System.out.println("threeMultiplier.multiply(1): " + threeMultiplier.multiply(1));
System.out.println("fourMultiplier.multiply(1): " + fourMultiplier.multiply(1));


threeMultiplier.multiply(2): 6
fourMultiplier.multiply(2): 8
threeMultiplier.multiply(1): 3
fourMultiplier.multiply(1): 4

Exercise oop-4: Decreasing counter

The starting point of this exercise is a partially implemented class DecreasingCounter:

public class DecreasingCounter {
    private int value;   // object variable that remembers the value of the counter

    public DecreasingCounter(int valueAtStart) {
        this.value = valueAtStart;

    public void printValue() {
        System.out.println("value: " + this.value);

    public void decrease() {
        // write here the code that decrements the value of counter by one

    // and here the rest of the methods

The counter can be used as follows:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DecreasingCounter counter = new DecreasingCounter(10);




Output should be:

value: 10
value: 9
value: 8

The constructor of DecreasingCounter receives as parameter the initial value of the counter. In the example, the constructor parameter is 10, which is then set to the object variable this.value. The value of the counter can be printed with the method printValue(). The method decrease() should decrease the value of the counter by one.

Exercise oop-4.1: Implementing method decrease()

Implement the method decrease() so that when called, the object variable this.value is decreased by one. When this is done, your program should work as the example above.

Exercise oop-4.2: Value remains positive

Change your implementation of the method decrease() so that the value of the counter will not drop below zero. If the method is called when the value is zero, nothing should happen:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DecreasingCounter counter = new DecreasingCounter(2);





Output should be:

value: 2
value: 1
value: 0
value: 0

Exercise oop-4.3: Counter reset

Implement the method public void reset() that sets the value of the counter to zero. Example of usage:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DecreasingCounter counter = new DecreasingCounter(100);





value: 100
value: 0
value: 0

Exercise oop-4.4: Back to initial value

Implement the method public void setInitial(), which returns the counter to its initial value:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        DecreasingCounter counter = new DecreasingCounter(100);







value: 100
value: 99
value: 98
value: 0
value: 100

Hint: add to the class a new object variable that remembers the initial value of the counter

Exercise oop-5: Menu

In this assignment, we will implement a class Menu that holds information about meals that are available in a cafeteria.

Our starting point is the following class skeleton:

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Menu {

    private ArrayList<String> meals;

    public Menu() {
        this.meals = new ArrayList<String>();

    // Implement the methods here

Menu objects store the information of meals using an object variable of type ArrayList<String>

Exercise oop-5.1: Adding a meal to menu

Implement the method public void addMeal(String meal) that adds a new meal to the list this.meals of a Menu object. If the meal is already in the list, it should not be added.

Exercise oop-5.2: Printing the menu

Implement the method public void printMeals() that prints the meals in a menu. As an example, the output after three additions could be:


Exercise oop-5.3: Clearing a menu

Implement the method public void clearMenu() that clears a menu. After calling this method, the menu should be empty. Class ArrayList has a method that is useful here. Within your method body write meals. and see how IntelliJ helps you by showing the available methods.

The Person class grows

Let us get back to work on the Person class. The current version of the class looks like this:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;

    public Person(String initialName) {
        this.age = 0;
        this.name = initialName;

    public void printPerson() {
        System.out.println(this.name + ", age " + this.age + " years");

    public void becomeOlder() {
        this.age = this.age + 1;

Let us create a method for person that can figure out if a person is an adult. The method returns a boolean – either true or false:

public class Person {
    // ...

    public boolean isAdult(){
        if ( this.age < 18 ) {
            return false;

        return true;

      note that the method could also be written like this:
      public boolean isAdult(){
        return this.age >= 18;

Let us test it:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person bob = new Person("Bob");
        Person andy = new Person("Andy");

        int i = 0;
        while ( i < 30 ) {



        if ( andy.isAdult() ) {
            System.out.print("adult: ");
        } else {
            System.out.print("minor: ");

        if ( bob.isAdult() ) {
            System.out.print("adult: ");
        } else {
            System.out.print("minor: ");
minor: Andy, age 1 years
adult: bob, age 30 years

Let us tune up the solution a little further. Now, a person can only be printed in a manner where in addition to the name, the age also gets printed. In some cases, we might only want to print the name of the object. Let us tailor a method for this purpose:

public class Person {
    // ...

    public String getName() {
        return this.name;

The method getName returns the object variable name to its caller. The name of the method might seem a little odd (or not). In Java, it is considered the ‘correct’ way to name an object-variable-returning method in this manner; as getVariableName. Methods like these are often called ‘getters’.

Let us edit the main program to use the new ‘getter’:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person bob = new Person("bob");
        Person andy = new Person("andy");

        int i = 0;
        while ( i < 30 ) {



        if ( andy.isAdult() ) {
            System.out.println( andy.getName() + " is an adult" );
        } else {
            System.out.println( andy.getName() + " is a minor" );

        if ( bob.isAdult() ) {
            System.out.println( bob.getName() + " is an adult" );
        } else {
            System.out.println( bob.getName() + " is a minor" );

The print is starting to look pretty clean:

andy is a minor
bob is an adult


We have been guilty of bad programming style; we have created a method that prints an object, printPerson. The recommended way of doing this is by defining a method that returns a “character string representation” of the object. In Java, a method returning a String representation is called toString. Let us define this method for person:

public class Person {
    // ...

    public String toString() {
        return this.name + ", age " + this.age + " years";

The method toString works just like printPerson, but instead of printing it the method returns the string representation. The call to the method can be used for printing it if necessary.

The method is used in a slightly surprising way:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person bob = new Person("Bob");
        Person andy = new Person("Andy");

        int i = 0;
        while ( i < 30 ) {


        System.out.println( andy ); // same as System.out.println( andy.toString() ); 
        System.out.println( bob ); // same as System.out.println( bob.toString() ); 

The principle is that the System.out.println method requests the string representation of an object and then prints it. The returned string representation of the toString method does not have to be written, as Java adds it automatically. When the programmer writes:

        System.out.println( andy );

Java completes the call during runtime to the format:

        System.out.println( andy.toString() );

What happens is that the object is asked for its string representation. The string representation the object is returned and is printed normally with the System.out.println command.

We can get rid of the obsolete printObject method.

Exercise oop-6: Lyyra-card

The University of Helsinki students use a so-called Lyyra cards to pay for their meals in student cafeterias. In this assignment, we implement the class LyyraCard that simulates the Lyyra card.

oop-6.1: Class skeleton

Start by adding the class LyyraCard to your project.

Then implement the LyyraCard constructor that gets the starting balance of the card as parameter. The card saves the balance in the object variable balance. Implement also the toString method that returns a string of the form “The card has X euros”.

The skeleton of class LyyraCard looks like this:

public class LyyraCard {
    private double balance;

    public LyyraCard(double balanceAtStart) {
        // write code here

    public String toString() {
        // write code here

The following main program can be used to test the program:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LyyraCard card = new LyyraCard(50);

The output should be:

The card has 50.0 euros

Exercise oop-6.2: Paying with card

Implement the following methods to LyyraCard:

public void payEconomical() {
    // write code here

public void payGourmet() {
    // write code here

Method payEconomical should decrease the balance by 2.50 euros and method payGourmet by 4.00 euros.

The following main program can be used to test the program:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LyyraCard card = new LyyraCard(50);



The output should be:

The card has 50.0 euros
The card has 47.5 euros
The card has 41.0 euros

Exercise oop-6.3: Balance nonnegative

Change methods payEconomical and payGourmet so that if there is not enought money, the balance does not change.

The following main program can be used to test the program:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LyyraCard card = new LyyraCard(5);



The output should be:

The card has 5.0 euros
The card has 1.0 euros
The card has 1.0 euros

Above, the second call payGourmet does not alter the balance since there is not enough money on the card for a gourmet lunch.

Exercise oop-6.4: Loading money to card

Add the LyyraCard the following method:

public void loadMoney(double amount) {
    // write code here

The method should increase the balance of the card by the given amount. However, the maximum balance on a card is 150 euros. In case the balance after loading money would be more than that, it should be truncated to 150 euros.

The following main program can be used to test the program:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LyyraCard card = new LyyraCard(10);




The output should be:

The card has 10.0 euros
The card has 25.0 euros
The card has 35.0 euros
The card has 150.0 euros

Exercise oop-6.5: Loading a negative amount

Change the method loadMoney so that the balance of the card does not change if the amount to load is negative.

The following main program can be used to test the program:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LyyraCard card = new LyyraCard(10);
        System.out.println("Pekka: " + card);
        System.out.println("Pekka: " + card);

The output should be:

Pekka: The card has 10.0 euros
Pekka: The card has 10.0 euros

Exercise oop-6.6: Multiple cards

Write a main method that does the following:

  • Creates a LyyraCard for Pekka with initial balance of 20 euros
  • Creates a LyyraCard for Brian with initial balance of 30 euros
  • Pekka buys gourmet lunch
  • Brian buys economical lunch
  • cards are printed (both on their own row, starting with the name of the card owner)
  • Pekka loads 20 euros
  • Brian buys gourmet lunch
  • cards are printed (both on their own row, starting with the name of the card owner)
  • Pekka buys economical lunch
  • Pekka buys economical lunch
  • Brian loads 50 euros
  • cards are printed (both on their own row, starting with the name of the card owner)
  • The main skeleton is as follows:
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LyyraCard cardPekka = new LyyraCard(20);
        LyyraCard cardBrian = new LyyraCard(30);

        // write code here

The output should be:

Pekka: The card has 16.0 euros
Brian: The card has 27.5 euros
Pekka: The card has 36.0 euros
Brian: The card has 23.5 euros
Pekka: The card has 31.0 euros
Brian: The card has 73.5 euros

More methods

Let us continue with the class Person. We would be interested in knowing the body mass index of a person. To calculate the index, we need to know the height and weight of the person. We add for both height and weight object variables and methods that can be used to assign the variables a value. When this is in place, we add a method that calculates the body mass index.

Here is the class Person after the changes (only the parts affected by the change are shown):

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    private int weight;
    private int height;

    public Person(String initialName) {
        this.age = 0;
        this.name = initialName;
        this.weight = 0;
        this.height = 0;

    public void setHeight(int newHeight) {
        this.height = newHeight;

    public void setWeight(int newWeight) {
        this.weight = newWeight;

    public double bodyMassIndex(){
        double heightDividedByHundred = this.height / 100.0;
        return this.weight / ( heightDividedByHundred * heightDividedByHundred );

    // ...

We added object variables height and weight, and methods setHeight and setWeight that can be used to give values to the variables. In naming the methods, we follow the Java convention to call a method that just sets a new value to a variable setVariableName. This type of methods are usually called setter methods.

The new methods in use:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Person matti = new Person("Matti");
    Person john = new Person("John");



    System.out.println(matti.getName() + ", body mass index: " + matti.bodyMassIndex());
    System.out.println(john.getName() + ", body mass index: " + john.bodyMassIndex());

The output:

Matti, body mass index: on 26.54320987654321
John, body mass index: on 20.897959183673468

Object variable and parameter with identical name

Above, the method setHeight assigns the object variable height the value of the parameter newHeight:

public void setHeight(int newHeight) {
    this.height = newHeight;

The parameter could also be named identically with the object variable:

public void setHeight(int height) {
    this.height = height;

Now, the name height means the parameter height and the identically named object variable is referred to as this.height. The following would not work since the object variable height is not at all referred to in the code:

public void setHeight(int height) {
    height = height;
    // this just assigns the value of the parameter to the parameter itself

Contolling the number of decimals when printing a float

The number of decimals in the last output was far too high, two decimals would be enough. One technique to control how a float number is printed is to use the command String.format.

If value is a float number, the command String.value( "%.2f", value ) returns a string where the value is rounded to contain 2 decimals. The number between dot and f defines the amount of decimals shown.

After changing the code, we have the following:

System.out.println(matti.getName() + ", body mass index: " + String.format( "%.2f", matti.bodyMassIndex()));
System.out.println(john.getName() + ", body mass index: " + String.format( "%.2f", john.bodyMassIndex()));

The output is:

Matti,  body mass index: 26,54
John,  body mass index: 20,90

The method String.format is not the most flexible way provided by Java for formatting float values, but it is simple to use and suits our purposes here well.

Exercise oop-7: Clock using a counter

We start by implementing a class BoundedCounter and then use counter objects to implement a clock.

oop-7.1: BoundedCounter

Implement class BoundedCounter with the following functionality:

  • A counter has an object variable that remembers the value of the counter. The value is within the range 0..upperBound
  • In the beginning the value is 0.
  • The upper bound of the value is defined by the constructor parameter.
  • The method next increments the value of the counter. If the value would be more that the upper limit, it wraps around and becomes zero.
  • The method toString returns a string representation of the counter value.
  • The skeleton of the class is as follows:
public class BoundedCounter {
    private int value;
    private int upperLimit;

    public BoundedCounter(int upperLimit) {
        // write code here

    public void next() {
        // write code here

    public String toString() {
        // write code here

Note: you cannot return an integer value directly from the method toString since the method should return a string. Integer variable value can be turned into a string by prefixing it with an empty string: "" + value.

A main program that uses the counter:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BoundedCounter counter = new BoundedCounter(4);
        System.out.println("Value at start: " + counter );

        int i = 0;
        while ( i < 10) {
            System.out.println("Value: " + counter );

In the constructor, an upper limit of 4 is given to the new counter object. Now, the value of the counter should be within the range 0…4. Note how the method next increases the value until it hits the upper limit and becomes zero again:

Value at start: 0
Value: 1
Value: 2
Value: 3
Value: 4
Value: 0
Value: 1
Value: 2
Value: 3
Value: 4
Value: 0

oop-7.2: Printing the initial zero

Imrove toString so that if the value of the counter is less than 10, it prefixes the value with 0. If the value of the counter is e.g. 3, toString should produce “03”. If the value is at least 10, e.g. 12, the returned string would be “12”.

A main program that demonstrates the desired functionality of the improved toString.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BoundedCounter counter = new BoundedCounter(14);
        System.out.println("Value at start: " + counter );

        int i = 0;
        while ( i < 16){
            System.out.println("value: " + counter );
value at start: 00
value: 01
value: 02
value: 03
value: 04
value: 05
value: 06
value: 07
value: 08
value: 09
value: 10
value: 11
value: 12
value: 13
value: 14
value: 00
value: 01

oop-7.3: The first version of the clock

With two counter objects it possible for us to build a simple clock. Hours can be represented by a counter with upper bound 23 and minutes by a counter with upper bound 59. As we all know, when minutes wrap around from 59 to 0, hours advance by one.

First you should implement the method getValue for the counters in the class:

public int getValue() {
    // write here code that returns the value

Then implement the clock in your main method in the following style:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BoundedCounter minutes = new BoundedCounter(59);
        BoundedCounter hours = new BoundedCounter(23);

        int i = 0;
        while ( i < 121 ) {
            System.out.println( hours + ":" + minutes);   // the current time printed
            // advance minutes
            // if minutes become zero, advance hours

The output should be:


oop-7.4: The second version of the clock

Firstly implement the method setValue to the class BoundedCounter. The method should set the value of the parameter to the counter unless the parameter is less than zero or larger than the upper bound. In those cases, the method does not have any effect.

Then add a seconds counter to your clock. The clock should now be as follows:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
        BoundedCounter seconds = new BoundedCounter(59);
        BoundedCounter minutes = new BoundedCounter(59);
        BoundedCounter hours = new BoundedCounter(23);

        System.out.print("seconds: ");
        int s = // read the initial value of seconds from the user
        System.out.print("minutes: ");
        int m = // read the initial value of minutes from the user
        System.out.print("hours: ");
        int h = // read the initial value of hours from the user


        int i = 0;
        while ( i < 121 ) {
            // like in previous but seconds taken into account



Ensure that all works as expected when starting e.g. with time 23:59:50.

The output should be:

seconds: ~~50~~
minutes: ~~59~~
hours: ~~23~~

Bonus: eternal clock (exercise not assessed with TMC!)

Before you start, submit the exercise for assesment.

Change your main as follows:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        BoundedCounter seconds = new BoundedCounter(59);
        BoundedCounter minutes = new BoundedCounter(59);
        BoundedCounter hours = new BoundedCounter(23);

		   boolean running = true;
        while ( running ) {
            System.out.println( hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds );
            // put here the logic to advance your clock by one second

Now, the clock goes on forever and the value is updated as it should be, once in a second. The clock estimates the duration of a second with the command Thread.sleep(1000); The parameter in the command is the time to sleep in milliseconds. In order to use the sleep command, you should do an addition to the definition of main: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

You can end the eternal clock by pressing the red box in the IntelliJ console (i.e. the area in IntelliJ where the output of programs gets printed).

Important notes regarding the use of objects. You should definitely read these.

Object-oriented programming is mostly about turning concepts into their own entities, or in other words forming abstractions. One might think that it is pointless to create an object that only holds one number in it, and that the same could be achieved with simple int variables. This is not the case. If a clock consists of just 3 int variables that are then increased, the program loses some human readability. It becomes more difficult to “see” what the program is about. Earlier in the material we mentioned the advice of the renowned programmer Kent Beck: “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand”, since the hand of a clock is its own clearly definable concept, it is a good idea to create it as its own class - BoundedCounter - for the sake of human readability.

Turning a concept into a class of its own is a good idea for a lot of reasons. Firstly, some details (i.e. when the counter makes a full round) can be hidden inside the class (abstracted). Instead of writing an if-clause and an assignment operation, it is enough that the user of the counter calls the descriptively named method next(). In addition to clocks, the created counter might be good for being used as a building block for other projects too, so a class made from a clear concept can be very versatile. Another huge advantage we gain by writing code this way, is that when the details of the mechanics are hidden from its users, those details can be changed if need be with zero or very little impact for users of the class.

We established that a clock contains three hands, it consists of three concepts. Actually the clock itself is a concept too and next week we will make the class Clock. Then, we can create distinct Clock objects. Clock will be an object which functionality is based on “simpler” objects, the hands. This is the grand idea of object-oriented programming: a program is built out of small, clearly defined co-operating objects.

Now, we will take some careful first steps in the object world. Towards the end of the course, objects will start to come to you naturally and the idea of programs being built out of small, well defined, co-operating pieces - which at this point might feel incomprehensible - will become something you will take for granted.

21.13 Calling other methods within an object

Objects can also call its own methods. Let us assume we would like to include body mass index in the string representation of the person objects. Instead of calculating the body mass index in the toString method, a better idea is to call the method bodyMassIndex from the toString method:

public String toString() {
    return this.name + ", age " + this.age + " years, my body mass index is " + this.bodyMassIndex();

As can be seen, an object can call its own method by prefixing the method name with this and dot. The this is not necessary, so also the following works:

public String toString() {
    return this.name + ", age " + this.age + " years, my body mass index is " + bodyMassIndex();

Now it is time to continue practising programming.

Exercise oop-8: NumberStatistics

Exercise oop-8.1: Amount of numbers

Implement class NumberStatistics with the following methods:

  • addNumber adds a new number to the statistics
  • amountOfNumbers tells us how many numbers have been added to the statistics Note that the class should not store the added numbers. At this stage, it is enough to remember how many added numbers there are, i.e. how many times the method addNumber has been called.

The class skeleton:

public class NumberStatistics {
    private int amountOfNumbers;

    public NumberStatistics() {
        // initialize here the object variable amountOfNumbers

    public void addNumber(int number) {
        // code here

    public int amountOfNumbers() {
        // code here

A usage example:

public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      NumberStatistics stats = new NumberStatistics();
      System.out.println("Amount: " + stats.amountOfNumbers());

The output should be:

Amount: 4

Exercise oop-8.2: sum and average

Add the following methods to the class:

  • sum returns the sum of the added numbers (if no numbers added, the sum is 0)
  • average returns the average of the added numbers (if no numbers added, the average is 0)

The class skeleton now:

public class NumberStatistics {
    private int amountOfNumbers;
    private int sum;

    public NumberStatistics() {
        // initialize here the object variable amountOfNumbers

    public void addNumber(int number) {
        // code here

    public int amountOfNumbers() {
        // code here

    public int sum() {
        // code here

    public double average() {
        // code here

A usage example:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        NumberStatistics stats = new NumberStatistics();
        System.out.println("Amount: " + stats.amountOfNumbers());
        System.out.println("sum: " + stats.sum());
        System.out.println("average: " + stats.average());

The output should be:

Amount: 4
sum: 11
average: 2.75

Exercise oop-8.3: Asking for numbers from the user

Create a program that asks the user to input numbers of type integer. When the user gives -1, the program stops and prints the sum of the given numbers (excluding the -1).

Note: you should not make any changes to class NumberStatistics!

The program should use a NumberStatistics object to calculate the sum.

Type numbers:
sum: 15

Exercise oop-8.4: Many sums

Change your program so that it also calculates the sum of even and odd numbers in the user input (again -1 excluded).

NOTE: define in your program three NumberStatistics objects. The first is used to track the sum of all the numbers. The second takes care of even numbers and the third the odd numbers. Remember also that you should not make any changes to class NumberStatistics!

The tests does not work if you do not create the objects in the order mentioned above!!

The program should work as follows:

Type numbers:
sum: 13
sum of even: 8
sum of odd: 5