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Authors: Arto Hellas, Matti Luukkainen
Translators to English: Emilia Hjelm, Alex H. Virtanen, Matti Luukkainen, Virpi Sumu, Birunthan Mohanathas, Etiënne Goossens
Extra material added by: Etiënne Goossens, Maurice Snoeren, Johan Talboom
The course is maintained by Technische Informatica Breda
We speak about Generics in connection to the way classes can conserve objects of genric type. Generics is based on the generic type parameter which is used when we define a class, and which helps us to define the types that have to be chosen when an object is created. A class generics can be defined by setting up the number of type parameters we want. This number is written after the class name and between the greater-than and less-than signs. We now implement our own generic class Slot
which be assigned whatever object.
public class Slot<T> {
private T key;
public void setValue(T key) {
this.key = key;
public T getValue() {
return key;
The definition public class Slot<T>
tells us that we have to give a type parameter to the constructor of the class Slot
. After the constructor call the object variables have to be the same type as what established with the call. We now create a slot which memorizes strings.
Slot<String> string = new Slot<String>();
If we change the type parameter we can create different kinds of Slot
ojects, whose purpose is to memorize objects. For instance, we can memorize an integer in the following way:
Slot<Integer> num = new Slot<Integer>();
An important part of Java data structures are programmed to be generic. For instance, ArrayList
receives one parameter, HashMap
List<String> string = new ArrayList<String>();
Map<String, String> keyCouples = new HashMap<String, String>();
In the future, when you see the type ArrayList<String>
, for instance, you know that its internal structure makes use of a generic type parameter.
In addition to normal interfaces, Java has interfaces which make use of generics. The internal value types of generic interfaces are defined in the same way as for generic classes. Let us have a look at Java made-up Comparable interface. The Comparable
interface defines the compareTo
method, which returns the place of this
object, in relation to the parameter object (a negative number, 0, or a positive number). If this object is placed before the parameter object in the comparison order, the method returns a negative value, whereas it returns a positive value if it is placed after the parameter object. If the objects are placed at the same place in the comparison order, the method returns 0. With comparison order we mean the object order of magnitude defined by the programmer, i.e. the object order, when they are sorted with the sort method.
One of the advantages of the interface Comparable
is that it allows us to sort a list of Comparable
type keys by using the standard library method Collections.sort
, for instance. Collections.sort
uses the method compareTo
of a key list to define in which order these keys should be. We call Natural Ordering this ordering technique which makes use of the compareTo
We create the class ClubMember
, which depicts the young people and children who belong to the club. The members have to eat in order of height, so the club members will implement the interface Comparable
. The interface Comparable
also takes as type parameter the class which it is compared to. As type parameter, we use the ClubMember
public class ClubMember implements Comparable<ClubMember> {
private String name;
private int height;
public ClubMember(String name, int height) { = name;
this.height = height;
public String getName() {
public int getHeight() {
return this.height;
public String toString() {
return this.getName() + " (" + this.getHeight() + ")";
public int compareTo(ClubMember clubMember) {
if(this.height == clubMember.getHeight()) {
return 0;
} else if (this.height > clubMember.getHeight()) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
The interface requires the method compareTo
, which returns an integer that tells us the comparison order. Our method compareTo()
has to return a negative number if this
object is smaller than its parameter object, or zero, if the two members are equally tall. Therefore, we can implement the above method compareTo
, in the following way:
public int compareTo(ClubMember clubMember) {
return this.height - clubMember.getHeight();
Sorting club members is easy, now.
List<ClubMember> clubMembers = new ArrayList<ClubMember>();
clubMembers.add(new ClubMember("mikael", 182));
clubMembers.add(new ClubMember("matti", 187));
clubMembers.add(new ClubMember("joel", 184));
[mikael (182), matti (187), joel (184)]
[mikael (182), joel (184), matti (187)]
If we want to sort the members in descending order, we only have to switch the variable order in our compareTo
Exercise generics-1: Rich First, Poor Last
You find the pre-made class
. People have got name and salary information. Make Person implement the interfaceComparable
, so that thecompareTo
method would sort the people according to their salary – rich first, poor last.Exercise generics-2: Students Sorted by Name
You find the pre-made class
. Students have got a name. Make Student implement the interfaceComparable
, so that thecompareTo
method would sort the students in alphabetic order.Tip: student names are
, the classString
itself. You can use the String’s compareTo method when you implement your classStudent
gives a different value to characters according to their case; because of this, String has also got the methodcompareToIgnoreCase
which, in fact, ignores the case while comparing. You can use either of them, when you sort your students.Exercise generics-3: Sorting Cards
Together with the exercise layout, you find a class whose objects represent playing cards. Cards have got a value and a suit. Card values are 2, 3, …, 10, J, Q, K and A, and the suits are Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs. Value and suit are however shown as integers in the objects. Cards have also got a
method, which is used to print the card value and suit in a “friendly way”.Four constants – that is
public static final
variables – are defined in the class, so that the user didn’t need to handle card’s suits as numbers:public class Card { public static final int SPADES = 0; public static final int DIAMONDS = 1; public static final int HEARTS = 2; public static final int CLUBS = 3; // ... }
Now, instead of writing the number 1, we can use the constant
in our program. In the following example, we create three cards and print them:Card first = new Card(2, Card.DIAMONDS); Card second = new Card(14, Card.CLUBS); Card third = new Card(12, Card.HEARTS); System.out.println(first); System.out.println(second); System.out.println(third);
2 of Diamonds A of Clubs Q of Hearts
Note: using constants as shown above is not the best way deal with things. Later on in the course we learn a better way to show suits!
Exercise generics-3.1 Comparable Cards
Make your
. Implement thecompareTo
method so that cards would be sorted in ascending order according to their value. If the value of two classes have got the same values, we compare them against their suit in ascending order: spades first, diamonds second, hearts third, and clubs last.The smallest card would then be the two spades and the greatest would be the clubs ace.
Exercise generics-3.2: Hand
Next, let’s create the class
which represents the player hand set of cards. Create the following method to the hand:
public void add(Card card)
adds a card to the handpublic void print()
prints the cards in the hand following the below example patternHand hand = new Hand(); hand.add( new Card(2, Card.SPADES) ); hand.add( new Card(14, Card.CLUBS) ); hand.add( new Card(12, Card.HEARTS) ); hand.add( new Card(2, Card.CLUBS) ); hand.print();
2 of Spades A of Clubs Q of Hearts 2 of Clubs
Store the hand cards into an
.Exercise generics-3.4 Sorting the Hand
Create the method
public void sort()
for your hand, which sorts the cards in the hand. After being sorted, the cards are printed in order:Hand hand = new Hand(); hand.add( new Card(2, Card.SPADES) ); hand.add( new Card(14, Card.CLUBS) ); hand.add( new Card(12, Card.HEARTS) ); hand.add( new Card(2, Card.CLUBS) ); hand.sort(); hand.print();
2 of Spades 2 of Clubs Q of Hearts A of Clubs
Exercise generics-3.5: Comparing Hands
In one card game, the most valuable hand, where the sum of the cards value is the biggest. Modify the class Hand so that it could be compared according to this criterion: make it implement the interface
.Below, you find an example of a program where we compare hands:
Hand hand1 = new Hand(); hand1.add( new Card(2, Card.SPADES) ); hand1.add( new Card(14, Card.CLUBS) ); hand1.add( new Card(12, Card.HEARTS) ); hand1.add( new Card(2, Card.CLUBS) ); Hand hand2 = new Hand(); hand2.add( new Card(11, Card.DIAMONDS) ); hand2.add( new Card(11, Card.CLUBS) ); hand2.add( new Card(11, Card.HEARTS) ); int comparison = hand1.compareTo(hand2); if ( comparison < 0 ) { System.out.println("the most valuable hand contains the cards"); hand2.print(); } else if ( comparison > 0 ){ System.out.println("the most valuable hand contains the cards"); hand1.print(); } else { System.out.println("the hands are equally valuable"); }
the most valuable hand contains the cards J of Diamonds J of Clubs J of Hearts
Exercise generics-3.6: Sorting the Cards against Different Criteria
What about if we wanted to sort cards in a slightly different way, sometimes; for instance, what about if we wanted to have all same-suit cards in a raw? The class can have only one method
, which means that we have to find out other ways to sort cards against different orders.If you want to sort your cards in optional orders, you can make use of different classes which execute the comparison. These classes have to implement the interface
. The object which determines the sorting order compares two cards it receives as parameter. There is only one method, a methodcompare(Card card1, Card card2)
which has to return a negative value if card1 is before card2, a positive value if card2 is before card1, and 0 otherwise.The idea is creating a specific comparison class for each sorting order; for instance, a class which places same suit cards together in a row:
import java.util.Comparator; public class SortAgainstSuitAndValue implements Comparator<Card> { public int compare(Card card1, Card card2) { return card1.getSuit()-card2.getSuit(); } }
Sorting against suit works in the same way as the card method
thought for suits, that is spades first, diamonds second, hearts third, clubs last.Sorting is still possible through the method
. The method now receives as second parameter an object of the class that determines the sorting order:ArrayList<Card> cards = new ArrayList<Card>(); cards.add( new Card(3, Card.CLUBS) ); cards.add( new Card(2, Card.DIAMONDS) ); cards.add( new Card(14, Card.CLUBS) ); cards.add( new Card(12, Card.HEARTS) ); cards.add( new Card(2, Card.CLUBS) ); SortAgainstSuit suitSorter = new SortAgainstSuit(); Collections.sort(cards, suitSorter ); for (Card c : cards) { System.out.println( c ); }
2 of Diamonds Q of Hearts 3 of Clubs A of Clubs 2 of Clubs
The sorting object can also be created directly together with the sort call:
Collections.sort(cards, new SortAgainstSuit() );
Further information about comparator classes in here.
Create now the class
which implements the interfaceComparator
and sorts cards as it is done in the example above, plus same suit cards are also sorted according to their value.Exercise generics-3.7: Sort Against Suit
Add the method
public void sortAgainstSuit()
to the classHand
; when the method is called the hand’s cards are sorted according to the comparatorSortAgainstSuitAndValue
. After sorting them, the cards are printed in order:Hand hand = new Hand(); hand.add( new Card(12, Card.HEARTS) ); hand.add( new Card(4, Card.CLUBS) ); hand.add( new Card(2, Card.DIAMONDS) ); hand.add( new Card(14, Card.CLUBS) ); hand.add( new Card(7, Card.HEARTS) ); hand.add( new Card(2, Card.CLUBS) ); hand.sortAgainstSuit(); hand.print();
2 of Diamonds 7 of Hearts Q of Hearts 2 of Clubs 4 of Clubs A of Clubs